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Fotogrāfijas un attēli ar kartēziešu kaķi


AnnaMJ* - 2016-12-18 11:40
Hello! My name is AnnaMarkova, our company need to advertise on your website. What is your prices? Thank you. Best regards, Mary.

Dažas interesantas fotogrāfijas ar kartēziešu kaķiem.

 Plaša fotogrāfiju galerija ir apskatāma portālā Uzklikšķinot uz attēla kreisajā malā, jūs visu galeriju varēsiet apskatīties jaunā logā.

Kartēziešu kaķu priekštecis Manuls mūsdienās ---->

Dažādu valstu pastmarkas ar kartēziešu kaķi.

This is a beautiful sheet of 6 stamps, issued by Guinea in 2008, featuring cats with their famous owners. Included on the sheet are film actress Michelle Pfeiffer, Anne Frank, French actress & model Brigitte Bardot, Academy Award-winning Actress Audrey Hepburn, and English author Samuel Johnson, along with the Sand Cat, Turkish Angora, Siamese, Chartreux, and Siberian cats.

This is a beautiful sheet of 6 stamps, issued by St. Vincent & the Grenadines in 2010, displaying cats. Featured animals shown include the Persian, Russian Blue, Chartreux, Bobtail, Selkirk Rex, and the Bengal.

This is a beautiful stamp souvenir sheet, issued by Guinea in 2009, dislaying cats of the world. Featured animals shown include the Japanese Bobtail and the Chartreux, along with a brief written description.

This is a beautiful sheet of 6 stamps, issued by Guinea in 2009, displaying cats of the world. Featured animals shown include the Persian, Bobtail, Bombay, Maine Coon, Siamese, Chartreux, and the Savannah.

This is a beautiful sheet of 6 stamps, issued by Guinea in 2009, displaying cats of the world. Featured animals shown include the American Bobtail, Birman, Bombay, Chartreux, Egyptian Mau, and the Persian.



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AnnaMJ* - 2016-12-18 11:40
Hello! My name is AnnaMarkova, our company need to advertise on your website. What is your prices? Thank you. Best regards, Mary.

Kellydeara* - 2016-12-22 19:40

Hello, dear Administration!

For a long time I watch your project,
but today I was surprised strange facts (and photos) on your website,
that someone posted on my profile:

Is all this true?
How to understand it all ?!
I hope for early answer!

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