Dažas interesantas fotogrāfijas ar kartēziešu kaķiem.
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Kartēziešu kaķu priekštecis Manuls mūsdienās ---->
Dažādu valstu pastmarkas ar kartēziešu kaķi.
This is a beautiful sheet of 6 stamps, issued by Guinea in 2008, featuring cats with their famous owners. Included on the sheet are film actress Michelle Pfeiffer, Anne Frank, French actress & model Brigitte Bardot, Academy Award-winning Actress Audrey Hepburn, and English author Samuel Johnson, along with the Sand Cat, Turkish Angora, Siamese, Chartreux, and Siberian cats.
This is a beautiful sheet of 6 stamps, issued by St. Vincent & the Grenadines in 2010, displaying cats. Featured animals shown include the Persian, Russian Blue, Chartreux, Bobtail, Selkirk Rex, and the Bengal.
This is a beautiful stamp souvenir sheet, issued by Guinea in 2009, dislaying cats of the world. Featured animals shown include the Japanese Bobtail and the Chartreux, along with a brief written description.
This is a beautiful sheet of 6 stamps, issued by Guinea in 2009, displaying cats of the world. Featured animals shown include the Persian, Bobtail, Bombay, Maine Coon, Siamese, Chartreux, and the Savannah.
This is a beautiful sheet of 6 stamps, issued by Guinea in 2009, displaying cats of the world. Featured animals shown include the American Bobtail, Birman, Bombay, Chartreux, Egyptian Mau, and the Persian.